Metal Hurricanes

"Through the Spillways of
Your Soul."

Club information

Metal Hurricanes was established back in 2021, one faithful night in December by Luca (Lilith) Stonewall and Emmy (Cash) Meadowwood.
The club was established the 5th and took off from there, being a new dressage club.
Now we are a Western themed dressage club that uses the Tennesee Walking Horse and North Swedish Horse. We take pride in what we do, but we also love to interact with other clubs of the Star stable community!We have no established sister/brother club as of current.

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Club Members


LilithLuca StonewallOwnerClub
ScarScarlett MountaintonCo-Owner (On Break)Club
CashEmmy MeadowwoodCo-Owner (On Break)Club
CeceCecilia PurebornStorm (Trial)Club
BriCecilia PurewaterStorm (Trial, On Break)Club
BirdzPearl DragonkinStorm (Trial)Club
LexClara LoudwinStorm (Trial)Club
JaxRosemary SnowcastleStorm (Trial, On Break)Club

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